Read each step carefully before making any modifications to your truck.

Start with all emissions components installed and operating without any codes or error messages. Ensure that the DEF level is not low. For model years 2017-2019, it’s crucial to verify that the soot levels are below 70% before proceeding.

Once your order arrives, you can begin the process by following these steps:

  1. Install the VCM Suite BETA software. Ensure you have the latest BETA version each time you open the software as updates are frequent.
  1. Use our provided guide to gather and send us the necessary files for creating your tune.

ALWAYS use a battery charger capable of supplying a steady 10 amps or more.

** When opening VCM software, it may open the last file used. Always close the file when opening VCM software using the top-left Folder icon.

****The current VCM Suite Beta software requires a specific version of .NET. If you encounter errors while working with the software, check your .NET version or update it from the HP Tuners Downloads section (found under the link to the BETA software).

*****Always connect the MPV device to the computer before connecting it to the truck.

******If emissions were disconnected before tuning, you may receive a Service Emissions message on the dashboard. Additionally, if the DEF tank was low during tuning, you might encounter a Low DEF light on the dashboard afterward. To prevent these issues, ensure the DEF tank is at least 1/4 full. For 2017-2019 model years, confirm that soot levels are below 70%; if they exceed this threshold, a force regeneration may be necessary before tuning.


How to remove ECM

Everything you need to know about HP Tuner’s ECM 

How to obtain Info Log

How to use the SOTF function

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